The back pain in the size: possible causes, treatment

Painful sensations in the lower back is a common symptomatology in the modern world. Practically every person in front of her. Given that most of the back pain in the size of the urban population. And suffer from bad symptom women more. There is an opinion that the discomfort in the lower back occurs in the elderly. Scientists from Denmark completely refuted. According to their research, the poor syndrome appears in childhood or adolescence. Over time, it just intensifies. This is why it is very important to react in time to the first alarm signal and proceed with the processing of the pathology.

the back pain in the lower back

The possible causes of the discomfort

It is important to know that not only in women, backache in the lumbar region. Unpleasant symptoms are exposed to a lot of people. Because on the onset of pain is influenced by the conditions in which people live, the profession and, without doubt, the attitude towards life.

The doctors, faced with numerous complaints of the patients, lead the list of simple reasons, the result of which is that the back pain in the lumbar region:

  • obesity;
  • the weakness of the trunk muscles;
  • a strong growth;
  • the lack of exercise;
  • the physical work;
  • of pregnancy.
  • specific profession (for example, driver);
  • some sports (swimming, weightlifting, hockey);
  • personality disorders (hysteria, hypochondria), depression;
  • work that requires frequent to make twists of the trunk and slopes.

The sources, causing a bad pain syndrome in the lumbar region, various enough. Many of them absolutely without danger. However, there are those who are in need of any emergency and proper treatment.

The disease, causing the onset of low back pain

The reasons that lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, amounted to tens. However, it should be understood: if the back pain in the waist, the source of discomfort, probably hidden in the disease. Naturally, it is quick to treatment. Don't forget that the first step to resolve the discomfort is to determine the cause that backache in the lumbar region.

The doctors of the poor syndrome divided into:

  1. Primary. It is of musculo-skeletal disorders. It pathologies related to degenerate-dystrophic lesions of the spinal cord.
  2. Secondary. In this case, excruciating discomfort caused by various pathologies.

Primary syndrome are the following diseases:

  1. The low back pain. Pass the defeat of the bone tissue and cartilage. These changes are dystrophic nature. The disruption of the intervertebral disc protrudes up', and adjacent vertebrae.
  2. Spondiloarthrosis. It is a form of osteoarthritis. Pass a defeat intervertebral joints, which are responsible for the mobility of the spine. People complain usually that the more often in the morning back pain in the lumbar region.

The secondary to the syndrome of physicians include a variety of causes of discomfort:

  1. The scoliosis, as well as other pathologies relating to growth.
  2. The defeat of the bones, caused before the disturbances of the metabolism. This includes osteomalacia, osteoporosis.
  3. The inflammatory process having transmitted character. The bad syndrome can be caused by the syndrome, Reiter's disease, Ankylosing spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. Of the tumor, the location on the vertebrae of the spine (primary or caused by metastases).
  5. A fracture of the vertebrae. It is extremely serious for the cause of the discomfort acute.
  6. Infectious diseases the pathology of different types, which can injure the vertebrae or the intervertebral discs: tuberculosis, brucellosis, epidural abscess.
  7. The state of the stroke. Accordingly, the breach occurs acute the marrow pinire traffic. The phenomenon is often causes a sensation of pain in the lower back.
  8. The NOSOCOMIAL diseases. For example, if the back pain in the lower back to the right, it can be an acute appendicitis atypical of the leak. Nasty symptoms causes an obstruction of the intestine.
  9. Diseases of the organs located in the pelvis (diseases of the kidneys, of the genitourinary system).
pathology in men

The pathology in men

The representatives of the stronger sex, very bad back in the lumbar region, in consequence, for the following reasons:

  1. The prostatitis. The pathology is characterized by the inflammation of the prostate.
  2. The malignant tumors. Can be seen in men after 50 years.
  3. Hyperplasia of the genital organs. In this case, cell proliferation, and pain occurs, which spreads in the area of the kidneys, back, stomach.

Women reason

A beautiful floor can experience discomfort due to:

  1. Gynaecological pathology. The pain can cause fibroid tumors, gonorrhea, adhesive disease. A source of discomfort may be: uréaplasma, chlamydia, fibroids, trichomoniasis.
  2. The menstrual cycle. The pain is due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. As a result, the woman experiences shooting the back pain and deal with the onset of the swelling.
  3. Pregnancy. In the body, changes occur features. As a result, many mothers-to-be are aware of the bad discomfort.

The back pain, pregnancy-induced

A pregnant woman often feels bad malaise. The doctors explain why the back pain in the lumbar region, as follows:

  1. The changes in hormone levels. It is known that in the body of the woman increases the level of relaxin. It causes the relaxation of ligaments and joints. The result of these effects, they can't always cope with the increase in the load.
  2. The increase of the fetus. Because of this natural phenomenon for a pregnant woman presents a shift of the center of gravity. Respectively, of the spine increases the load.
the back pain during pregnancy

The discomfort after childbirth

However, not only the pregnant women experience an unpleasant state. Some women complain that childbirth and after the back pain in the lumbar region. Such symptomatology may persist as a result, for the following reasons:

  1. A divergence strong bone, the stretching of the muscles. During pregnancy, there is a movement of the internal organs. Ligaments, their restraint, corded. Most of the organs of attachment to pozvonkam. This is why, after childbirth can occur pain in the back.
  2. Passes to the stretching of the muscles of the abdomen. After delivery, they are still in a state of tension.
  3. The excess weight that the woman took during pregnancy.
  4. The divergence of the os. This process occurs just prior to birth. This allows you to protect your baby against injuries. The recovery period is different. This is why, very often, women will notice that, after the birth of back pain in the lumbar region.
  5. Injury. During delivery could occur to certain offences. For example, the offset of the joints.
  6. The load on the spine. The first hour after the delivery, when the woman is not yet fully recovered, the pain discomfort may result in a change of clothes, food, the harbor, the bathing of the new-born.

Tolerate the pain should not be. You need to consult your doctor and find the source of the origin of the discomfort. This will in time eliminate the bad, causing pain factors and afford the treatment.

The causes of pain on the left side

A source of discomfort can be a variety of the state. It is sometimes the result of finding a lot of time in an uncomfortable position. And, in some cases, the tumor process. Therefore, if the back pain in the lower back to the left, the causes of pathology is not necessary to search yourself. You need to consult a doctor.

The most common reasons that occurs on the left side of the discomfort, a pathology of the spine, such as curvature, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia.

Often, however, a result of other pathologies, back pain in the lower back to the left. The cause of the discomfort can be placed the following:

  1. Myositis. After the physical effort or hypothermia occurs an inflammation of the muscles. The discomfort is quite intense and makes it difficult to deep breathing. During a movement, it is enhanced.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys. In this case, the pain is usually pulling, throbbing. It may indicate diseases such as hydronephrosis, nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, and sometimes a malignant tumor. If occurs the renal colic, the pain is strong, strong character.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system. The pathology of the stomach, liver, intestine, pancreas can cause left side pain. In particular, when the flow of infirmities, in the chronic form. If very severe back pain in the lower back to the left, and you can feel the tension of the muscle tissues of the abdomen, these symptoms may indicate on the states: an intestinal obstruction or peritonitis.
  4. The cardiac pathology. Sometimes, the angina pectoris or myocardial infarction can cause discomfort in the lower back. Usually, the pain is felt under the left shoulder blade, to the hand. Accompany such a pathology of the panic and the fear of death.

In addition to these causes, of discomfort in the left pane, the lower back may be caused by pleurisy, pneumonia.

What to do?

The syndrome of the pain is the first signal of danger. This is so the body given to understand that there is a problem in the functioning of certain organs or systems. This is why the ignore, it is not necessary. In addition, it is very dangerous to self-give medications. Because the causes of the bad discomfort a lot.

If the back pain in the lower back, what to do? Initially consult a therapist. If the discomfort door, acrid nature call "fast". In the case where the source of the agonizing of the state was the fall or a strong contusion, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If necessary, the therapist will conduct a close consultation of specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • the orthopedic surgeon;
  • proctologist, gynecologist;
  • pulmonologist, cardiologist
  • nephrologist, urologist.

The methods of treatment

After you have defined the sources, prompting the doctor will prescribe you the appropriate treatment. If the back pain in the lower back, rather than deal with a pathology, you can only define after investigation.

The methods of treatment is entirely dependent upon the source of the disease:

the methods of treatment
  1. Hernia, osteochondrosis. During the acute period of the patient is recommended to respect the rest. Favour will bring a special bandage that will relieve the lower back. In addition, the powers of medicines: NSAIDS, analgesics, blockade. Excellent results can be achieved through physiotherapy, PHYSIOTHERAPY. In the absence of the positive effect of the patient may be recommended a surgical procedure.
  2. Pain the region of the genito-urinary tract. To combat those pathologies, such as urethritis, cystitis, inflammation of the epididymis, is used a comprehensive therapy. Banned adjuvants, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, vitamins, anti-inflammatory, hormones. The choice of drugs depends on the leak, the shape, the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism of the patient.
  3. The pathology of the GASTRO-intestinal tract. The pain in the lumbar region can cause: appendicitis, pancreatitis, ulcer, enteritis, colitis. Do not try to find you a therapy if you back pain in the lumbar region. Rather than treat such a condition, the doctor said. When sudden and severe pain, you need to call an "ambulance". If pancreatitis is suspected, to relieve the suffering of the patient possible drug Drotaverine" or "no-spa".
  4. Diseases of the kidney. Often, these afflictions are very bright, make themselves known. Therefore, an effective method to help is to call the emergency services. When the kidney useful of cranberry juice, cranberry red.
  5. The cardiac pathology. If the syndrome of the pain begins in the left shoulder blade, quickly covers the chest and quickly spreads to the left arm, lower back, leg, you must immediately call "fast". It is the characteristic of signs of myocardial infarction. Any delay is extremely dangerous.
  6. Post-partum pain. If the discomfort is related to the divergence of the bones, a woman may be assigned to the manual therapy. A massage typical will not bring relief. And in some situations, may even do harm. If serious injuries are missing, will bring a relief from physiotherapy. In addition, young mothers are assigned to special exercises.


Never use self-medication. Bad therapy can be very dangerous! In effect, each disease requires an individual approach. Similarly, the treatment of certain pathologies may cause disorder in another organ or system. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health! Contact-literate experts who will help you to eliminate the bad discomfort.